Day 1 – 08 July 2023 / 20 Dhul Hijjah 1444AH



  • Mohamedabbas Khaki
  • Aliasgher Rajani


  • Armaanally Hasham
  • Hadi Yusuf
  • Hussain Ahmed
  • Hussein Chagani
  • Husseinali Shariff
  • Mikael Abdulrasul
  • Mohsinali Khalfan
  • Salman Murji
  • Tariq Sheriff



  • N/A


  • Packed lunch (chicken sandwich & fruit)


  • Pilau


  • N/a


  • N/a


Group 10
Group 20
Group 30
Group 40

Camper Diary

Everyone met in the mosque, we went walking together, it was a long trip going to kizimkazi. During the ferry some Campers had gone to the bow of the ship supervised by mentors and the admins to see the ocean and enjoy the wind. They were packed lunches given on the ferry. Then we continued the trip by bus were everyone kept asking when we’ll reach. After reaching we prayed namaaz together and moved packing to their allocated rooms. Then the tour started we saw the basketball court, animals, plants, and common grounds. We then prayed again and went to eat pillau, then talked about tomorrow’s plan and went to sleep.

Campers – Maji

Mentor Diary

Yesterday, July 8th was the first day of the camp. It was very exciting and exhilarating. We woke up early to meet up at mosque and started to prepare for the campers as well as finalizing all the items that needed to be packed before we left for the Zanzibar ferry.

As soon as everything was ready, all the campers got to go through the check in with their parents. Once completed, they said their khudahafiz and joined into their element groups. My fellow mentor and I were ready to receive them as we introduced ourself, welcomed them into the group and sat with them as we all did introductions to get to know one another.

After all the campers started to get comfortable with one another, we had a small briefing session handled by Sheikh Shirazi on a couple of ground rules, as well as reminders to the campers on the importance of maintaining good akhlaq throughout the camp.

Once all the campers were ready, after depositing our sadqa we left the mosque to head over to the ferry. We got on the ferry all together; the mentors took this chance to start getting to know their campers on a more one to one approach. The mentors also started to notice if there were any campers that got along with each other very well and took note of it for the rest of the camp. The ferry ride very very enjoyable as we could hear a lot of conversation taking place as well as laughter. Even the boys who got a chance to head into the front deck kept talking about how the wind was so amazing.

Once we reached Zanzibar, we got onto our buses in our element groups. Those who were feeling tired got a chance to rest. For the others who were awake, a mentor was leading a game while everyone was sitting during the bus ride. The campers seemed to enjoy this and it kept them fresh and alert as we approached the campsite.

Once we arrived, we immediately fell in love with the scenery of nature around us. From the trees and plants surrounding is to the magnificent ocean view. We really felt connected to the Earth. 

We had a small activity session at night followed by some group time for the mentors to bond further with their campers. One of the most interesting things that I noted was how quickly and easily the campers started to befriend each other and bond with us mentors.

All the campers were ushered into their room and put to bed by 9:30pm. This is so that they can get enough sleep for the next day. After all, they will have to wake up for fajr and will not have a lot of time to rest during the day due to the exciting schedule we have prepared for them.

Alijawad Rajani




  • Shazmeen Sunday 9 July 2023 | 21 Dhul Hijjah 1444AH

    Salaams all,
    This is for Subhaan! Hope you’re having a great time bonding with your fellow campers and learning new things.
    Enjoy yourself!
    Your baby brother & myself miss you loads. Take care!

  • Hassan mawji Sunday 9 July 2023 | 21 Dhul Hijjah 1444AH

    Salaam. Alaikum Hussein HHM
    Hope you are having a great time. We really miss you. Take care of yourself as well as of your peers. Remember, you have gone there as a team.

  • Ruheeda Issufali Sunday 9 July 2023 | 21 Dhul Hijjah 1444AH

    MashaAllah , enjoy Soldier of Imam Mahdi a.t.f and connect with surah Rahman Fabi ayyi A’alai Rabbikuma tukadhiban by Seeing this beautiful views .
    And yah Monday night is wafat of Children of Hazrat Muslim a.s .
    Take care .

  • Mr and Mrs Hassan Hussein Sunday 9 July 2023 | 21 Dhul Hijjah 1444AH

    Salaam alyakum,
    Thank you for the updates of yesterday activities…
    Can u pls keep us updated for today programme as well..
    Cants see Kadhims name in the group I believe he is in the other group, how many groups are there..
    Shukraan all for planning the trip
    Praying that should benefits all and brings a positive behaviour uplift inshallah..
    Take care all
    Learn and enjoy Allahs bounties
    Kadhims parents

  • Mohamedraza Dhalla Sunday 9 July 2023 | 21 Dhul Hijjah 1444AH

    Salaam Alaykum,
    This message is for Jaffer Dhalla. I am glad you are enjoying this trip, make the most of it and learn everything that you can.

  • Mama Hadi Monday 10 July 2023 | 22 Dhul Hijjah 1444AH

    Salaam Aleikum
    This is for Hadi Mazaher

    We hope you doing well &having great time with all there.

    We miss you soo much 💓
    Can’t wait for you to come back &share your experience..

    Love & Duas
    Mom,Papa,Hanniahzainab ,Dadi,& Nani

  • Mama Hadi Monday 10 July 2023 | 22 Dhul Hijjah 1444AH

    Salaam Aleikum
    This is for Hadi Mazaher

    We hope you doing well &having great time with all there.

    We miss you soo much 💓
    Can’t wait for you to come back &share your experience..

    Love & Duas
    Mom,Papa,Hanniahzainab ,Dadi,& Nani

  • Zaheer Abbas Hemani Monday 10 July 2023 | 22 Dhul Hijjah 1444AH

    Dear Alizain

    As you embark on this 10-day summer camp, we want you to know how proud we are of you for embracing this opportunity to grow spiritually and deepen your understanding of your faith. This camp is a unique chance to gain valuable knowledge, make new friends, and strengthen your connection with Allah SWT.

    We encourage you to seize every moment and take maximum advantage of the experiences that await you. Immerse yourself in the activities, engage with the teachers and mentors, and ask questions to expand your understanding. Embrace the teachings and lessons with an open heart and an eager mind.

    While you’re away, we want you to remember that we miss you dearly at home. Your presence, especially your little brother Alireza, is deeply felt. He looks up to you as his role model, and we often hear him asking about you. Share the stories and lessons you learn with him when you return, as he is eager to hear about your adventures. He says “Alizain gaya zanzibar Allah Allah karne”

    Stay positive, my dear. Embrace any challenges that come your way, as they will only make you stronger. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals and foster meaningful connections. Remember to be respectful, kind, and compassionate to all those around you.

    We eagerly await your return and can’t wait to hear about everything you’ve learned and experienced. May this camp leave a lasting impact on your journey of faith and personal growth.

    Take care of yourself, make the most of every moment, and know that you are surrounded by our love and support.

    Also on seperate note to ALL CAMPERS

    Salamunalaykum to all the wonderful campers. We wanted to take a moment to send our heartfelt appreciation to each and every one of you for being a part of this incredible camp experience. It’s truly inspiring to see young minds like yours come together, learn, and have a fantastic time. Cherish this opportunity to challenge yourselves, try new things, and build lifelong friendships. Remember, the memories you create here will stay with you forever. We extend our gratitude to the volunteers and the institution for organizing this camp, providing a safe and nurturing environment for growth and discovery. Thank you for your dedication, hard work, and commitment to making this camp a remarkable success. Enjoy the rest of your time at camp, and may it be filled with joy, laughter, and countless unforgettable moments.

    Jazak’Allah Kheir

  • Shabbirhussein Khalfan Monday 10 July 2023 | 22 Dhul Hijjah 1444AH

    Ayaanali Mahdi Khalfan
    InshaAllah we hope you enjoying camp. We are missing you immensely. Today at mosque missed you more cause on the way back no one to discuss and debate about majlis.
    On this night I want you to learn major lesson from Hazrat Muslims sons. To persevere an stand strong with your faith against oppression and injustice, no matter what comes may.
    Wishing you best learnings and enjoyable times.
    Miss you tonnes.
    Shabbirhussein and Maryam Khalfan

  • Shabbirhussein Khalfan Wednesday 12 July 2023 | 24 Dhul Hijjah 1444AH

    Salamun alaikum Jamia,

    I hop all of you are enjoying this memorable camp, inshaAllah.

    Ayaanali Mahdi, we missing you and everyday am counting how many more before I see you.

    I wanted to share something with you that my years of experience has taught me and what better place to practise than camp.

    Remember every person you meet knows something you don’t. So make sure you actively listen and learn. However what will enable you learn is your Attitude. Attitude is a fine thread that connects you to society, and all your skills and knowledge will be of no use without right attitude.
    That is one learnings I Get from Mubahela that we will be celebrating tonight. I want to you to think and tell me what learning do you get from it?

    Everyone misses you here tonnes, and your team is missing their leader and partner in…

    With salaams and duas,
    Shabbirhussein Khalfan

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