Day 9 – 16 July 2023 / 28 Dhul Hijjah 1444AH



  • Mohamedabbas Khaki
  • Aliasgher Rajani


  • Armaanally Hasham 
  • Hadi Yusuf
  • Hussain Ahmed
  • Hussein Chagani
  • Husseinali Shariff
  • Mikael Abdulrasul 
  • Mohsinali Khalfan 
  • Salman Murji
  • Tariq Sheriff



  • Spanish omelette, bread & watermelon


  • Daal gosh, rice & salad


  • Chicken, chips & cabbage-carrot salad


  • Key Habits
  • Purpose of Living
  • Chicken Zabiha


  • Football
  • Swimming
  • Boat ride
  • Bonfire


Group 10
Group 20
Group 30
Group 40

Camper Diary

Everybody woke up for Fajr; then we had Quran recitation. After that, there was breakfast and everyone talked with each other. We then took the cook and kill class where all of the students were shown how to slaughter a chicken. Everyone had slaughtered the chicken save for a few who felt squeamish. The campers learnt about the chickens and the sacrifice they do to give us sustenance. We then cleaned the chicken and marinated them. 

The next class was lead by Dr. Kamal Sherrif who taught character building followed by Dr. Kazim Dhala who taught practical Azadari. Then we prayed Zohr and Asr. 

Next was the highlight of the day where the Campers went to the beach. Next to the beach was a field where we played football, volleyball and cricket. There were life guards given to those swimmers who needed them, and everyone swam happily. There was a boundary placed by mentors to not let anyone swim in the deep.

Campers were then told to get out to rest. We played games on the beach and then prayed maghrib and isha at the beach. Next we had dinner which was the chicken we had slaughtered earlier in the day next to the bonfire. Campers did noha and marisyas by the bonfire; then we had stories narrated by the sheikh. We returned home where everyone fell asleep fast after a long day being outside.

Mentor Diary

Mentor diary – Sunday 16th July 

Today was a day full of adventure. Some campers were awake very early, around 5:00 am; others were still asleep so we had to wake them up. We did wudhu so we could start prayers at 6am. Then after prayers, we had our fajr dua. Finally, Sheikh Shirazi gave a small talk about how small things shouldn’t affect your heart.

Then for breakfast we had Spanish omelets, tea, bread and watermelon, followed by a small talk with my group on how we can improve the environment. 

After breakfast we had classes with Dr. Kamal on key habits such as exercise and second class with Dr. Dhalla on the purpose of living.

After the classes around 10am we had gone to slaughter the chickens where each camper got a chance to slaughter one. Many were scared yet they manged to do it! Then we had to clean the chicken, which was really hard for others, as they had never done it before.

After the slaughter and cleaning we went to take a bath and clean ourselves. Then we prayed naamaz and after Zohrain, had a small talk by Sheikh Shirazi on how we should be thankful with what we have.

Then we went for lunch where we had rice and curry with meat. Then I had another small talk with my group on how we can develop ourselves.

After lunch we went to the beach. Half of the campers played football and half of them went swimming, which was followed by a short boat ride. After swimming, prayed Salah in the sand which was really interesting. After Salah we had some group time.

For dinner, we had the chickens’ we had slaughtered; this made it taste all the more yummy after all our hard work. Then we had a bonfire which was a lot of fun. After the bonfire we came back to the campsite and all campers when too sleep, as they were really tired. 

Miqdad Hussein

